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Timber Windows in Soild Stone Walls and Installing Lead Trays Top and Bottom?

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 4:28 pm
by Jay3jo
Hi I have a solid stone house which needs new windows fitted the customer has asked about having lead trays top and bottom but as the old ones don't have them as there is no cavity to turn them up in to and the lead would just lay flat on top I don't see any point also the window at the bottom sits on a stone cill so I can't see how a lead tray will help as it will be nearly flat and the water could track back up it as it only has a small slope it in a very old house with soild stone walls which are about 24inch thick any help !!
Ps the windows don't have any projected cills as it has to be like for like as it's listed

Re: Timber Windows in Soild Stone Walls and Installing Lead Trays Top and Bottom?

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 10:33 am
by thedoctor
Lead trays collect water from the cavity and direct it to the external wall, through weep holes to evapourate. If there is no cavity, no tray is required. However the customer is clearly worried about the damp in the stone affecting the (presumably) timber windows in which case you can fix (staple, and overlap each end) a plastic dpc all round the window. Cut the dpc off flush with the edge of the frame so your pointing will hide it.

If the windows are plastic there is no point whatever as the frames already have water runway channels on each edge to direct the water downward.