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Kitchen Door Handle Inner Mechanism Repair or Replacement?

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 9:23 am
by mctorie
I had to take the door handles off my kitchen door last night as the inner mechanism wasn't working, and needs replaced. However, the bit that houses the snib isn't coming out (see picture). Would I be better to keep it in and just buy the new handles, or start again with a new set - and if so how would I remove it: it only comes out as far as you see in the picture, and then just springs back. I can't find any information about the housing for the snib anywhere online...


Re: Kitchen Door Handle Inner Mechanism Repair or Replacement?

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 2:34 pm
by thedoctor

Is the mechanism allowing you to open the door not working at all? If not then it is probably worth replacing the whole unit as if it packs up when the door is closed and will not allow you to open the door at all then this is a bit of a nightmare.

If the actual barrel that is set inside the door will not come out then occasionally a sliver of timber inside the hole catches on the barrel and acts as a bit of a catch, not allowing you to pull it out.

In this instance, if you can get a pair of pliers or mole grips on the section that is poking out of the door then you will need to turn it left and right as you pull it out, this should allow it come out a bit easier

Hope this helps!