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Wall Mounted Dressing Table Build Help Needed

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2020 3:28 pm
by j.bradbury92
Hi all,

I'm looking to build a wall mounted dressing table for the mrs in a cornered area of our spare room. Just a couple of questions below that I need help with... the table will need to be about 48mm in depth and wont be holding anything outrageously heavy so I would have thought this would be quite a simple job, all of the videos I've watched on YouTube seem to overcomplicate things a bit. I've attached a picture with the section of the room where we want it to go....

- What would be the best type of wood for this? (The dressing table needs to be painted white so something that would be suitable for this??)
- Are there any good online stores where I can order cut to measure wood? If not where else is best to look?
- In terms of the width of the wood, as we'd obviously like it to fit exactly into this area, is it best to have the wood cut 1-2mm wider and sand down one side so it fits in perfectly? Just concerned that there may be a tiny gap on either side...
- I'm looking at either attaching the wood to the wall in 1 or 2 ways and I'm not sure which is best...
- Option 1 - use heavy duty shelf brackets such as these; ... c8b60&th=1

Would these be enough to support the dressing table? How many brackets would I be required if so? Just 2 on the back wall or also on the 2 side walls?

Option 2 - Create a frame for the main table to rest on using longer pieces of wood. Again, would this be enough support to hold the table ?

Not sure which option is best so any advice would be appreciated. Please see the images attached for reference!


Re: Wall Mounted Dressing Table Build Help Needed

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2020 10:18 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi j.bradbury92
Suggest you find a kitchen worktop supplier and get them to cut a wooden worktop to the size you want, they may even have off cuts which will be cheaper.
Use battens round the wall as option 2, get the shelf cut slightly undersize and fit fillets around the top to hide the gap.
Regards S