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Lean-to advice for fixing wall plate to wall

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2021 11:05 am
by Hagus72

I am new here so i apologies if this question is in the wrong forum. I have a 9'x11' space at the back of my garage and i am hoping to put a lean-to there, this might get converted to a shed at some point also.

My first question is regarding the wall plate. I will be using a 4'x2' and it will be bolted to the side of the house. This will be @ 11' long. How many fixings should this have in it and at what intervals?

Thanks in advance......lots more questions to come :)

Re: Lean-to advice for fixing wall plate to wall

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2021 9:37 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi hagus72
A lot will depend on the roof covering you are going to use, tiles are much heavier than plastic sheets. Suggest you start with 5 fixings equally spaced but into bricks not joints. You’ll soon discover which give a sound fixing, if it’s bad move to an adjacent brick.
Regards S