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How much?

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 3:36 pm
by mrsbling

How much would it cost to have new handrail, posts and spindles fitted?

Obviously I only need a ball park figure for parts and labour.

Stairs are straight up - 13 stairs (approx 3.5 metres) with a return at top of stairs of 1.85 metres.

Currently have hardboard/metal frame handrails which will be removed. Would like somthing similar to the attached image that I can paint white.

Any rough price guides would help.

Many thanks

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 8:26 pm
by toptips
to give you an idea of cost ,you will need 2 newel posts,1half newel post,2handrails,2base rails,spindles spaced at 90-95mm.the cost of these items will depend on what style you choose.labour cost should be no more than£350-£400.hope this helps.