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How to fix 300mm pieces of 75x75 fence post on top of an already installed fence post

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 9:54 am
by Fat Freddy
Hello Forum,

My first post so I hope it's in the right area.

I would like to add two 300mm pieces of treated fence post (75 x 75 thick) to already installed fence posts so that I can install a home made trellis between these posts.

As the cost of drilling a hole through the middle of the two pieces of post is too expensive (very long drill bit and screws longer than 300mm), I was wondering what anyone would recommend.

I was thinking of first glueing the short bits of post on top of the existing posts using a 'hard as nails' type glue, then using long screws drilled at an angle down through the glued on short post through to the already installed posts. I was going to screw the bottom of the trellis to the existing fence (thick top section) so I hope the strength is ok.

I don't want to use a metal plate to secure the posts for aesthetic reasons.

I might be over complicating things...

Many thanks for any advise

Re: How to fix 300mm pieces of 75x75 fence post on top of an already installed fence post

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2023 9:45 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi fat freddy,
Use gorilla glue and skew screw into the existing posts on all 4 sides, you will need to drill at a steep angle.
Regards S