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Repair advice needed for mould build up on timber beading window frame

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2024 1:41 pm
by casualDIY
Please could you advise on repairing the mould build up on the timber beading on these window frames. It has been particularly worse this winter from condensation in the rooms. A dehumidifier is being used now.

From numerous sources I heard it is best to wait till summer for it to dry out, then sand it down and re-varnished. Is there particular varnish to use?

In the meantime is it best to apply distilled white vinegar to kill the growth? Or something else?

Any advice will be appreciated.

Re: Repair advice needed for mould build up on timber beading window frame

Posted: Sun May 05, 2024 10:15 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi casualdiy,
Yes it would be best to leave any repairs until the summer, sand the surface then apply wet rot wood hardener. Once this has set you can then repaint. Once the paint has dried/cured I would suggest you apply a small bead of silicone mastic to the wood-glass join so that if you get condensation it will not be able to soak into the frame.
Regards S