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does anyone have an underfloor heating system?

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 3:59 pm
by sixfootfourinches
Currently converting an old barn and wish to install underfllor heating, problem is I know no one that has it already installed, so don't know how good it is. don't know where to purchase it from, don't know the best form of fuel to use to power it.

Have asked for quoted from Polyplumb, Robben, Continental UFH, Wundafloor, Thermofloor and Begetube, all the prices vary considerable and not one of them can advise and quote for the complete system including insulation, boiler, water cylinder back burners etc.

Would love to hear from anyone out there.


Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 6:45 pm
by ericmark
I can only comment on electric.
There are three basic types.
1 Fixed length resistive wire.
2 Segmented resistive wire.
3 Chemical resistive compound.
The first two can over heat and need careful planing but can run hotter than latter which has a compound which increases resistance as it heats up so to some extent is self regulating and is not as much affected with furniture placed on heated part of the floor. The latter two often have no built in earth and not suitable for bathrooms. I fitted first type into a wet room and the under floor thermostat broke you are suppose to be able to draw out the old and replace it but it jammed and had to change to room thermostat it is very slow to heat up and has to be one two hours before we shower and still not very quick at drying the floor which was main reason for fitting as my mother has only one leg and we did not want her to slip. Without towel rail it has to be on 24/7 to keep room warm and if floor any warmer you would find it unpleasant to walk on. Not impressed glad the whole house does not use that system. 35 deg C is about hottest you would want a floor with good heat transfer properties and 20 deg C is about right temp for a house giving only 15 deg differential so very slow to react means heating has to be 24/7 if going out to work for 9 hours you may be able to turn off heating for 5 to 6 hours but with standard heating you can turn it off for 8 hours. Can't see water being much better as you still have a lot of floor material to heat and limit on how hot unless you always wear shoes and never sit on the floor.