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Replacing a room thermostat- Lifestyle ETS1 for a L&S RA

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 4:20 pm
by alexanderbutt
Hi All,
I'm a bit stuck with the wiring.
I need to replace a Room thermostat.
Both have 4 terminals.
The old ones are numbered 1, 2, E, 4
the diagram inside the old case seems to suggest

The new one did not come with instructions so I'm hoping someone will know what's what.
In the new box the diagram shows 4 terminals numbered
1- remote switch L

The wires coming into the box are RED, BLACK, BLUE and Green/Yellow.

I relaise the Green yellow is probably the earth, and goes to the new terminal maked E on the new Stat, but I'm stuck on the other wires.
Any help will be very welcome.
With advanced Thanks !
Alex :?

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 10:16 am
by htg engineer
Ok - the new wiring is the same as the old.

OLD - L, Load, Earth, N
NEW - L, Load, Earth, N

so change wires one by one.

Any probelms get an electrician, I could tell you what the colours should mean -but it wouldn't be the first time I have seen electrical equipment wired up with no consideration for colours or people that have to work on these installations in future.