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No hot water - any ideas?

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 8:18 am
by busy scissors
I've just lost hot water from all of my taps, it is coming out cold / luke warm. The boiler is firing up fine, and the radiators are on no problem. Can anyone suggest some simple things to check to see what might be going on?

My system is about 20 years old, in a flat, and has a hot water storage tank - I'm guessing this might be the place to start?

Thanks for any advice :)

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 3:50 pm
by htg engineer
Type of system would help, gravity hot water or fully pumped system ?
Easiest way to tell, can you have central heating by itself or does the water heat up too ?

If you have to have hot water on, when the heating is on, then it's gravity.

Fully pumped - Look for an actuator and three port valve, will be located near the pump. You then need to establish if this is working correctly, remove the head and check the spindle on the 3 port valves turns freely, then select HW only, then HW and CH the D shaped aperture on the actuator should turn - if it doesn't replace the actuator head.

I will watch for further posts

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 9:09 pm
by busy scissors
THanks for your reply htg engineer. It turned out to be the thermostat (I think), in that it was hanging off the hot water tank. I secured it back on and that seems to have done the trick. Thanks anyway for the advice.