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Replace Warm Air Heating with Gas Central Heating

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 11:41 am
by BHoHip

I am looking for some guideline prices for what it should / could cost to replace a warm air heating system with contemporary Gas Central Heating. I live in a block of flats. My flat is 2 bed, 1 reception, 1 Bathroom, 1 Kitchen

Many thanks to anyone that can help

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 6:25 pm
by htg engineer
Block of flats ? do you have a loft ?

Is it concrete floors and ceilings ? if so there'll be alot of pipework on show.

If you have a loft you can take the flow and return up there and drop to each radiator - in trunking, the pipes can then be sunk into the wall as you re-decorate.

Cost of boilers vary depending on make and model.
Radiator prices vary depending on size and make.
Amount of pipe will vary depending on, floor and ceiling etc

So pretty hard to give a price

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 9:42 am
by BHoHip
Thanks htg engineer. I think I'll need to get someone in to have a look. No loft, concrete floor and in the passageway, they have created a 'fake' loft - lowered ceiling which is where the pipes for the warm air heating seem to run. One I have a price I'll post it back here for anyone else that may be interested