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radiators are barely warm
Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 2:51 pm
by Kaz80
hi, i was wondering if someone could help us, we live in a rented property and its a nightmare trying to get the landlord to get things fixed and we've already had a boiler man out twice and he said there was nothing worng and i've asked the landlord if he'll get someone different because heres the problem - we have a combi boiler and when we switch the heating on sometimes it lights up and sometimes it doesn't (its always lit when the boiler man does it so he thinks there isn't a prob) but it only stays lit for about 5 - 10 mins so the raiators are only slightly warm at the top, the light on the boiler goes out and it continues to make a noise until switched off but doesn't relight itself to heat the radiators. Is there anyone that knows whats causing this and can it be fixed without the boiler man? help will be very much appreciated, thanks
Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 9:24 pm
by Kaz80
we've just had a breakthrough, i managed to find an instruction manual for the boiler and we took the front off to check the parts it says to check and whilst the front flap was down every time we moved it the boiler would either start up or stop so we think its a loose wire or connection in the sealed part but we're not going any where near that as neither of us are trained. i forgot to mention that the boiler is a worcester 24i - L combi and we now have heat , although its temporary until fixed.
Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 9:28 pm
by htg engineer
Could be a few things, blockage in heat-ex, faulty sensor, faulty diverter valve.
You cannot work on this boiler, the landlord has a legal responsibility to have the boiler serviced annually. Any work carried out between services must be by a CORGI engineer to guarantee the safety.
He also has a legal requirement to provide central heating - remind him of this. If no luck tell him if he doesn't get someone out - you will and forward the bill on to him.
Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 9:35 pm
by Skids
Hi Kaz80
Give Citizens Advice & Trading Standards a ring at your local council and a ask a few questions regarding if the landlord has got any complaints against him from other tenants?
Ask for a copy of his boiler safety check which hi must by law have done every year?
Stop paying him till its sorted?
All the best
Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 9:26 pm
by htg engineer
From a very young age I was told two wrongs don't make a right. So I wouldn't hold back the rent.
By failing to pay rent you are in breach of your tenancy agreement. Keep everything on your side correct and up to date - if it ever came to court then you're a model tenant and the landlord is at fault.
When you pay your rent you have rights - eg working central heating. Don't pay your rent - you have no rights.