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Radiator Problems

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 9:26 pm
by colhouna

I am having some issues with the gas central heating in my apartment. There are 6 radiators, but when the heating is turned on, only the two either side of the tank get hot. I have bled the all the radiators and there is no air in any of them. However, when I let lots of water out of one of the cold rads it will eventually heat up. If I repeat it for anothe cold rad, it will heat up, but the previous one will go cold.

I don't know if this makes sense, but any help would be appreciated. I read something about balancing the radiators and maybe that would solve it. It that something a layman could do and how would i go about it?



Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 11:27 pm
by plumbbob
Try turning off the hot rads to see if that forces the cold ones to warm up. If it works try balancing the system. There is a good topic here to help. ... ystems.htm