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radiators and towel rails

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 9:41 pm
by rose
Hi there

Can anyone tell me how much heat towel rails give out? Are they sufficient enough to heat a bathroom instead of a radiator or is a rad also needed.The size of the bathroom is about 2m x 2.5m

Towel rail

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 8:59 am
by markp3532
Hi there,
I have a rail fitted in a similar sized bathroom and the heat given off is at least equal to, if not more than a normal radiator, mainly due to the surface area, though it depends what size rail you are going to install.
Also worth bearing in mind is that if you have the rail covered in towels it will take longer to feel the heat in the room itself.

Hope that this is usefull.
