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Lockshield valve problem

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 10:31 pm
by j.noon
I have just replaced a radiator in the bedroom (and the fittings that you screw into each end of the radiator) , then when it comes to connecting these (fittings?) to the valves at each end, the end with the thermostate on connects no problem but the lockshield side will not connect it seems that the thread on the lockshield is very slightly to big for the nut on the fitting that goes into the radiator, this is an old valve where the thermostate side is only about 5 years old, both are 15mm, is there an easier way round this than changing the valve. if the valve does have to be changed is it possible for someone to give me a step by step guide and a list of tools required before i start the job, i also have read that while you have the system drained down that you may as well add some sort of cleaner, what is this and where do you pour it, i would be very gratefull for any help and advice

cheers Joe