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Central heating pump always on

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 3:10 pm
by iremia
I have a closed system oil fired central heating. Radiators on three floors. Thermostat on each floor controling valves.

We can generate hot water in three ways. Via a solar panel, an immersion heater or the central heating. The pipe from the central heating to the hot water tank is always open. To use up any spare heat from the boiler when not needed to heat the radiators.

If the water in the hot water tank is warmed by the sun (or we turn on the immersion) the water in the central heating system gets warm which then turns on the pump for the central heating system. If I turn up the pump operating temperature the boiler sometimes shuts down due to overheating.

The operation of the pump increases ware on the pump and cools the water in the hot water tank. Is there a way I can configure the system to reduce pump operating time and maintain water temperature in the hot water tank.

Many thanks for any suggestions