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Bleeding rads with the c/h on ?

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 10:36 pm
by stevie h
why are you only meant to bleed radiators with the central heating turned off?

Had a problem recently with 2 rads not getting hot with an air lock , tried everything , in the end i lock all rads off except the 2 that wernt getting hot , turned heating on and bled the 2 troublesome rads with the heating on, ( my thinking was that i would give the 2 air locked rads the full force of the pump ) ... sorted the problem , so that's why i asked the question



Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 8:34 am
by Steve the gas
Hi Ste,

The pump is not really a pump as such, it's a circulator.
So when bleeding with pump on the air will not collect much to be bled as it is circulating.
Also you can get MORE air sucked in this way.
