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oil burner not firing -- Thyssen burner

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 9:03 pm
by Jumping_Jack_Flash
today the central heating system stopped working, and the transfo overload protection for the "fire plug" trips after every failed attempt.

What is the likelyhood the oil pump is blocked? When I checked the fuel filter, it was all full of black gunk, the oil that came out was black as coffee... Not that the filter would do any good, it's only for very big paarticles (about 1mm)

checked for fuel between the pump and the injector, but no flow when the burner tries to fire up.

Is it worth a try to remove the pump in the morning and give it a clean?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 10:07 am
by stoneyboy
Unless you are burning old engine oil the oil supply system in total should be clean. Start with a complete flush of the system and make sure you have an oil filter up stream from the boiler.