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Room Stat

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 3:46 pm
by trevors50uk
I have a highflow 400 boiler and my wife insists on keeping the water on constant and the heating timed but on constant when it is cold which is usually most of winter but keep the stats on the radiators down low (2).
Someone (non-expert) has suggested also installing a room stat in the hallway. (the wiring is already there so I believe the previous owner had a stat there once). Could anybody advise on combination of rad stats and room stat or one or the other.
Many thanks

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 11:07 pm
by sparx
Hi, part L of building regs for energy efficiency requires new installs to do just that.
In a central location such as hall or lounge it is recommended to have a radiator without a TRV and fit a thermostat, it allegedly helps prevent the boiler 'cycling' on/off when house up to temp.
regards Sparx