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no heat

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 9:05 am
by s everett
hi, my heating has packed up! still have hot water. boiler running but feels cool and is losing pressure? radiators not heating up. system is part 2 pipe with a few radiators still on one pipe system. gas board will not come out as say is boiler ok and all we can do is to pay for house re-piping. system has been flushed on their recommendation but problem not solved. any ideas????

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 5:13 am
by Steve the gas

Need more info - boiler make/model and set up of the system, as much as you can tell us really.

as before

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 10:33 am
by s everett
hi steve, boiler is worcester C1 combi. radiators losing heat for a while now, br gas (who are on maintenance contract for the full central heating) suggested flushing which we had done. flushing man said did not need doing anyway so he took some radiators off and flushed manually and system worked better although a couple of radiators did not work at all, stone cold. after christmas boiler made horrendous noise and now no heat in any of them worth mentioning. gas board came out again and said we had to get system totally re-piped (although don't recall them checking any pipework) and they will not come out to look at it. don't want to dish anyone but it cost us a lot of money to get system flushed which did not need doing and think it came off the top of an engineers head and wonder if their thoughts re piping may be in similar vein. will have to get engineer out for assessment i think but it sure is cold here at the nmoment and no-one coming out because of snow! any ideas would be appreciated. thanks.

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 6:46 am
by Steve the gas

I detest one pipe systems (even part), they prolly worked initially, but when added to by non conversant plumbers (1 pipe) they invariably get circulation problems. I know this from personal experience.
My advice is : via friends/relatives get a tame plumber who may do it at mates rates.
That is convert ALL to a 2 pipe system, you say only some is 1 pipe.
That way your problem will be a lot simpler to sort out.
Your diverter valve could do with checking out first perhaps tho.
