by gasmick »
Tue Feb 17, 2009 11:20 pm
hi i do not know why everyone pulls ravenheat down as being a bad boilers they are no worse than a lot of other manufacturers in fact for the price i think they represent very good value
I have been carrying out out of warrenty work for ravenheat for a few years now and for private customers as well
i saw one of these heat catchers working in conjuction with a 20 ltr cyldinder and was impressed by the way it was working, and lets face it you still have to run the boiler for the heating anyway in the winter so why not make more use of the latent heat going out the flue, i thought about this many years ago as to why the heat was not harnessed via a coil and pumped back into the system ??
this invention is a ravenheat one and any other on the market have had to buy the rights to use it from ravenheat
This can only be used on there low nox 120 boilers up to now and they give a good warrenty on it its the thing of the future i think,
when i was on a course at ravenheat it was wired up to temp gauges etc and i was supprised after running a tap for a long time the boiler did not kick in so that would mean you would get a shower for nothing