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Multipoint verses hot water cylinder - guidance requested

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 5:13 pm
by Chubbaatwork
Hello experts

I live in a 4 bed house with a hot water / central heating system feeding 11 radiators of different sizes. The airing cupboard takes up 25% of the smallest bedroom and I am toying with the idea of converting to a multipoint system(?? - the sort that only heats water as you draw it off at the taps I think), so that I can do away with the hot water cylinder, knock down the airing cupboard and give my growing 10 year old, more space.

Can anyone let me know what I may need to consider with such an undertaking? For example...
*how would I select the right boiler products in terms of capacitiy and quality (any brands best avoided or recommened)?
*What are the implications from the electrical installation side?
*What are the pros and cons going from cylinder to multipoint (running costs, servicability, life expectancy etc etc.)?
*What sort of budget should I allow for in terms of the plumbing tasks, excluding the job of removing the airing cupboard and making good in the bedroom?
*How do I guard against showers/ baths/ taps running cold when toilets are flushed/washing machine or dishwasher is on /or two or more people wish to use bathrooms at same times?

Current boiler is a Poterton Neata Heater (i think thats how its spelt) which about 20 years old and was installed when the house was built. No real problems other than British Gas said it was too old to be included in our monthly cover plan!

The overal objective is to create more living space without fundamentally changing the service we currently get from our hot water / central hearting system. I would appreciate any thoughts, opinions or warnings on offer.

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 7:33 pm
by htg engineer
Do you mean a combination boiler (combi) ? this will serve the central heating and the water.


A multipoint water heater, will serve hot water only - will not heat radiators ?

However I would advise against both if you have any more than one bathroom that''ll be used at the same time.

They are designed to serve one tap/one shower only. Anymore and you wont get a good flow rate. Stored hot water is probably the best option for the size of your house, 4 bed - probably 2 bathrooms ?
something like a megaflo unvented system.
