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Oil Fired Central Heating Problem...

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 7:53 pm
by Kai_Mon
I have moved in to a home with an oil fired heating system and I've been told the system hasn't been used properly for about a year and a half. we filled the oil tank, bled the oil at the burner and it is firing up O.K. I checked the pressure gaugue and that also seemed fine...

The problem is that while we have hot water (Although it is taking a little longer to heat than I think it should...) we are getting no heat to our radiators. I checked them all and there is no air whilst bleeding...

I managed to get 1 small radiator to heat by bleeding it whilst the burner was on and managed to get it to heat fine, but as soon as i closed the bleed screw it all cooled down again fairly quickly...

I'm a complete novice at this and any help with avoiding calling out a plumber would be great.

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 11:34 pm
by plumbbob
It is a bit tricky to diagnose without knowing how the pipework is configured, but my first thought is to see if the pump is running as it may have seized. Of course it could be another fault such as the timer or room stat. Is the pump hot?