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council housing district heating radiators

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 1:19 am
by missdino
hi! i turned the heating value on in the airing cuboard to turn all radiators on and then pressed the timer control box on for an hour which puts hot water and radiators on, i put all radiators on star symbol which is before the number 1 setting which i think means the radiators stay cold but they all went red hot and didnt cool down to the setting i put it on. why are the radiators still hot when its on low/cold setting.? they dont seem to cool down after half an hour! does anyone know how this mad system works ? as im only used to havin storage heaters in my old house. thanks very much x

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 8:29 pm
by htg engineer
The thermostatic radiator valves control the tempertaure of the room, not the radiator. So if you have the radiator valve set to * or 5 the radiator will be the same temperature, the valve will close sooner when the room reaches the set temperature.

'they dont seem to cool down after half an hour!'
When the room reaches temperature the radiator will not cool instantly it will cool gradually.
