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3 way valve / do i need a room stat

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 3:41 pm
by Roundstone
I have a 3 way valve when i put the hw on the motor moves the leaver and i get hw. when i put the ch on the leaver dont move and the rads just get hot upstairs and stay cold to warm down stairs. If i put both hw and ch on together the rads dont get warm at all. The leaver is loose when i just have the ch on is this normal?.

do i need a room stat if i have tvr (i think that is what they are called)
and away of testing the stat on the water tank?
Many thanks

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 8:41 am
by stoneyboy
Start by checking the circulating pump is working.
Push the lever on the TPV over fully and you should be able to lock it.
Its normal for the lever to be sloppy.

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 10:52 am
by plumbbob
The manual lever only has two positions. Stiff and loose.

I think you will find a TVR is a car. If you have trv's then you still should have a room stat.

If the rads go cold when the water is on then the cylinder lockshield is open too much allowing the water to bypass the heating system. In fact the problem you describe is probably totally due to an imbalanced system. Check the projects section and balance all the radiators and cylinder coil.

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 11:06 am
by Roundstone

what is the tpv?
why when i put the hw and ch together does it take 5 hours for the rads to get warm. but when the ch is on with out the hw they get hot after 1 hours

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 6:17 pm
by plumbbob
A tpv is a three port valve as used in a "Y" plan heating system.

"why when i put the hw and ch together does it take 5 hours for the rads to get warm. but when the ch is on with out the hw they get hot after 1 hours"

Because the system is unbalanced and the cylinder coil is robbing the heating circuit of hot water. Read my post.