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3 way valve problem?

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 4:22 pm
by Roundstone
hello all

should a 3 way valve have a loose lever when the ch is on and it dont move. when the hw is on it moves but only a little bit. i took the wires off and the lever moveand you can feel it stiff.

if the rads are on and they are hot and i put the hw on the rads get cold very fast??

please help

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 10:46 am
by plumbbob
Yes the lever should be loose when the radiators are hot. To test it, turn everything off then gently force the lever over. You should feel the gears turning smoothly as the lever moves across. If it jams, or flips acroos something may be wrong.

The reason the rads may be going cold could be due to the cylinder lock shield valve being open too much.