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radiator flush or not

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 10:41 am
by granty123uk
Hello peeps i new to this site and think its great was looking at a few posts . my problem is i have a very old oil central heating system . when i run my boiler my rad, are luke warm . my tap water is like steam tho . a plumber looked at it and said that there is crap inside the radators as they were hotter at top than bottom and it would not be worth flushing them . well prob is im bloody freezing in house (have coal fire to ) but i cannot afford new central heating system till later in year . will it be benificial to flush out system . will it help and how much should it cost . any info would be great . sick of wearing woolie hats cooking the dinner lol

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:59 pm
by htg engineer
I wouldn't go spending good money trying to cleanse an old system, but if you're able to - I would try removing all radiators, draining the whole system. Flush all radiators out with a hose pipe, refit radiators, refill system.

Then if you wanted you could add a cleanser and run for a few days, then follow steps above again - refill and add inhibitor.

May take a few hours but a pretty simple DIY job.
