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'Potterton Promax SL 12' or 'Valliant ecotec plus 415'

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 5:17 pm
by goldenoldie
We're in a 2 bedroomed terrace, and we've just had a quote for installing a new boiler, the Potterton Promax SL 12 is slightly cheaper (and would require less rewiring, so more convenient).

Can anyone recommend whether the 'Potterton Promax SL 12' or 'Valliant ecotec plus 415' would be better, or are both about the same in quality / running costs?

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 10:51 pm
by eggers
as an engineer i do see alot of pottertons, faulty pottertons, particularly the promax range
i would advise the vaillant range as it is considered more reliable, running costs will be about the same for a several years but the baxi solo he and promax range boiler (which are all but identical) will stop condensing after about 8 - 9 years and their heat exchanger become clogged