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Timer for Direct Boiler System

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 11:06 pm
by chelaka

I have a direct boiler system with hot water stored in a square galvanised tank higher up. The boiler is operated by a ON/OFF (water heater) switch with a red light on.

I have to manually switch the boiler ON/OFF, even though my Flat has Economy 7 electricity meter. So, thinking of a suitable timer switch to replace or add to the current switch for automatic operation during the low rate (electricity) period.

I have Ranger 3 Timer Module switch, but it is designed for only 17 amp, whereas my current boiler switch uses 30A AC, so don't think Ranger 3 will do the job. I also bought Honeywell ST9100S Timer, but don't know if this will work or how to fix (seems too complicated!).

What should I do? Is there a simpler solution to my problem here?

Thanks very much
