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Wireless Room Stat

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 8:06 am
by topdog951
I have just had a new combi boiler fitted in the lft and a Horstmann HRFS1 Room Thermostat, however I cannot seem to get it to work, for example, I set it with the various times to check the temp, ie 05:30am 18 deg, 07:30am 18 deg etc, but it the heating is just on all the time, even if I set the temp to 10 degs, the stat was at 24 yesterday and still the heating was on. Has anyone got experience of these things as its driving me up the wall!!

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 9:14 pm
by sparx
Hi, although an obsolete model programmable room stat.they are usually considered easy to set up and most people use the default settings with slight temp. alterations.
to check correct connection it is I think possible to turn boiler off with a switch on the receiver.
If you have TRV's fitted to the rads the horstmann stat should not be in a room with one fitted or they will be in conflict since as soon as that rooms trv is satisfied and the room cools down the stat will call for heat for the rest of the house.


Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 9:20 pm
by topdog951
Thanks for your reply it is much appreciated!
It is in the hall where there is no rad so the TRV should be all OK. To be honest I would prefer one that allows more control to allow start and stops times etc, not just constantly on! Can anyone recommend one?

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 3:25 pm
by sparx
TD your one has those facilities already, if it's not controlling then you need to look elsewhere ie the wiring con nections between boiler and receiver.
If wrong fitting a different one will still give same problems.
Did the installers 'clone' the units together on installing?
Was the connecting done by a sparky or did the gas fitter who installed the boiler do it himself?
If it has never worked correctly get them back!
regards Sparx