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Tips for Installing Extractor Fan in Disused Chimney Breast and also Install TV

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 12:03 pm
by subhi
Hi All,

I am looking to do couple of things with the chimney breast.

It's now disused after the back boiler has been removed and the combi is installed elsewhere.

I am looking to do 2 things with it.

1. Install an extraction fan high up close to the ceiling. This leads me to this question. The old flue is still hanging and it's constructed of stiff metal (Not sure of the material). Should I remove the whole flue or should I cut it where it meets the fan and try to connect it there?

2. Install a TV on the wall with cables hidden in the chimney breast with the DVD/Satellite receiver in the actual fire place. Anything to know/avoid ?

Thank you.