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Help bleeding my radiators!!

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 1:58 pm
by nitro23456
Well its that time of year again when its getting cold, so on goes the heating.

Only problem is I cannot for the life of me shift some/most of the bleeding points on my radiators - they seem to be stuck!! Can anyone suggest how I can get them moving? WD40? etc etc I feel I could get them moving if the radiator key wasnt so small I can hardly get a grip....... can you get them with bigger handles for more 'purchase' on it?

Also in the master bedroom the radiator bleeding point has threaded and the radiator key doesnt even grip as it is threaded..... is a new radiator the only answer here?

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 5:25 pm
by htg engineer
Do all the radiators heat up at the top ?
if yes then they don't need bleeding.

You can get larger vent keys, or use waterpump pliers to turn the vent key. Be careful though, if you snap them your knackered and they may leak. Try abit WD40 it wont hurt.

You should be able to get them out, even the one that's chewed, try using some pointed nosed pliers. Once out though you may have bother getting it back in, so turning off the valves and dropping abit of the pressure is a good idea.

You should also be able to get replacement vent nipples for the radiators.