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Strange smell in workroom, possibly from radiator?

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 8:16 am
by ElliotM
For the past few days there has been a slightly strange smell in my sons work room. (He is a computer coder and uses a spare bedroom as a work room). We have tried to trace where the smell comes from without success until this morning my wife turned the radiator off. The smell has now almost disappeared. Does this mean the radiators need flushing through with an inhibitor?
No idea when they were last done as it is a rented house and we have been here over 6 years.

Re: Strange smell in workroom, possibly from radiator?

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2022 9:44 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi elliotm,
Either there is something stuck behind the radiator or it is developing a leak.
Regards S