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Connstant squeaking noise coming from the pump.

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 12:28 pm
by Spanner
Hi, I have a rather irritating squeaking noise coming from the pump in the airing cupboard. It only seems to squeak when it is on the lowest setting and has only recently begun to happen. If I turn the pump up temporarily, then turn it back to it's original setting the noise disappears for a short period of time. The pump is only about 2 years old if that.

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 3:58 pm
by roger196
First make sure there is no air trapped in the pump by bleeding it. ( slightly unscrew large screw in centre).
The pump must be installed with the shaft horizontal. If this is not done, uneven wear on the bearings occur which lead to screeching. If this is the case, get the installer back to replace the pump.
Look at and search on gold50 for installation details.
Another possible cause is grot in the system caused by failing to flush and adding inhibitor.

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 8:17 pm
by htg engineer
if it works ok on the higher setting then leave it there - it wont do any harm.