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Driveway - part concrete / part tarmac

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 9:05 pm
by ChrisBallygunner
Our driveway is part concrete (1m path around the house) and part tarmac.

Total area is 150 sq metres.

We want to install gravel.

The options seem to be: (1) pull up the existing surface and install base plus gravel OR (2) surface over the top of both with bonded or bound composite.

(2) seems the least disruptive and quickest option. But possibly 2 or 3 times the price. I am concerned about cracks opening up in the composite where the tarmac and concrete meet over time.



Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 1:32 pm
by youasked
there are some great resin bonded drive products around at the mo, least trubble and very nice results. can't think of names at the mo, but I have a brouchure somewhere, I do know that they were quoting £60-70 a mtrs though. :roll: