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Standing Water on Patio Not Drianing Off

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 9:24 pm
by DeanDeanDean00

I wondered if anyone could help me. I moved into my home 6 months ago. I've noticed that when it rains, water seems to pool on one area of my patio close to the house.

There is a drain to the bottom left of the picture but it doesnt seem to run off into it, until the water gets to a certain level. This water comes right up to the house itself and then sits until it naturally evaportes. Im worried about a few things. 1. being this close to the house and sitting is it doing damage to the house/foundations. 2 Im guessing it will evetually ruin the patio. 3. Its creating algea on the slabs.

Can anyone advise if theres anything I can do, if they think I should be concerned or if they would reccomend a professional to come back in to re-lay it? Im not sure who layed it in the first place.
