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Small Concreting Job - Need Reassurance!

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 4:16 pm
by temple-lobe

I've never concreted before and I have a small job for the back garden.

I have a trench running along the side of the fence and I want to concrete about 2ft by 1ft which will house a metal, u-shaped bar; the purpose of which is to secure a chain locking up my bicycle.

I have some spare paving which I could use as the sides. Should I use bricks instead?

I'm thinking of laying hardcore on the base, which will be soil (as is the whole trench), I'm a little worried on how to make the concrete block secure, it'll be connected to one side of concrete which is the concrete floor leading up toward the trench, the other sides are soil and that's what's worrying me.

Can anyone give me some tips?

Your help is appreciated


Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 9:56 pm
by temple-lobe
I noticed the word hardcore has been omitted.

I've never known anything as stupid as that!

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 10:41 pm
by thedoctor
Yes it does seem stupid but we have an automatic censoring server which removes words we have programmed into it. The word ha**core is used about 3 times a week in the building sense but about 1000 times a week in the ******* sense so it has to be on our list. Sorry but its better to offend 3 builders than allow the rubbish we get from idiots trying to publish tonnes of it.


Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 8:20 am
by mikemule
thanks for the meaning of censored, i nearly included it in my building vocabulary for concrete. would have been embarrasing at shop.