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Damp in gable end - corner of bedroom upstairs

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 5:17 pm
by kt77
Hi, I'm hoping someone will have some suggestions!
I have a small cottage built circa 1853 with 12-15 inch thick stone walls (no cavity) which is rendered to the outside. In the second bedroom in the bottom corner of the gable end there seems to be a damp patch forming, it feels cold to touch but most of the walls in the house do. I've checked the room underneath in the same corner but there is nothing. I'm really confused as I cannot see any damp patches in the render either. I have also noted there are a few wood lice in the same corner of this room, if anyone has any suggestions I would be really grateful!


Kathryn :wink:

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 12:06 pm
by Detective
Stone walls generally hold a small amount of moisture as there is normally no DPC. When they were built they were unpainted and the moisture breathed out of the stone on dry days. If the walls are painted on both sides then some moisture may be trapped in the wall. Can you see damp or are you looking at mould?

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 6:57 pm
by kt77
The wall is only painted on the inside and rendered on the out. The wall is showing a small amount of mould. It had been this way previously but had then stopped, for some reason it has returned.
