condesation in bathroom
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condesation in bathroom

by drew25 » Fri Mar 11, 2011 8:51 am

I have a major problem with condensation in my bathroom. I have recently extended my house and in doing so I have been able to put a larger shower unit into my bathroom. I have installed a new extractor fan which is great but last night I noticed a large damp patch on the ceiling were the old shower unit to be. First off I thought it was a water leak from the roof space but upon checking that I have discovered that this was not the case. I have lots of ventilation in the roof space and plently of insulation as well. I am tearing my hair out as I have just spent a fortune doing the room up to have this happen. Any ideas / help would be greatly appreciated.

welsh brickie
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by welsh brickie » Fri Mar 11, 2011 4:43 pm

Sounds to me like you have vented just into the attic roof space and the hot air is condensating on the ceiling,it needs to be vented outside

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by drew25 » Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:18 am

The fan is being vented outside. I spent a bit of time in the roof space yesterday to find that there are a lot of gaps where there should be insulation especially along the eveswhere the wall and ceiling meet. I have alos discovered that there is no insulation in the top 12 inches of the bathroom wall which does not help as the heat in the bathroom and the cold wall produces more condenstaion that normal. Not sure what I can do with that!

welsh brickie
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damp in bathroom

by welsh brickie » Mon Mar 14, 2011 5:22 pm

ok.Try insulating as near to the eaves as you can but dont block them.And I think you need an air vent in the wall thats causing the condensation.leave a window slightly open,to see if it clears first,if it does which I suspect it will you need more ventilation,by a vent fitted and, or trickle vent in the window

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