by andynewton »
Wed Aug 24, 2011 12:13 am
The annexe has been built with part of it attached to the main house. At this part the damp is showing on the plaster in the annexe (this is palster on the exterior house brick). I have cut away all the damp plaster and am able to scrape away down the side of the concrete floor, level with where the damp course is visible on the house brickwork. I have removed all the damp plaster and there is only remnants of any original damp course used in the annexe. I now have a gap between the concrete floor of the annexe and the brickwork of the house. What I amstruggling to find out is if there is a product out there that I can put into this gap as a damp course, the gap is about 10 cm wide about 5m long. The if this is filled would I be okay to plaster above it. Any help is appreciated