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Black mould on bungalow ceilings

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 7:16 pm
by Wiirone
Hi, I have been reading through similar questions on forums for this subject but I have a specific question.
Living in a rented 1960/70 detached bungalow and there is black mould on two bedroom ceilings, notably above the beds. The main bedroom has two outside walls and its worse in that top inside corner where they meet and also on the top of the wall yet despite cleaning it off with bleach and re-emulsioning the mould returns. I realise humidity levels are obviously high and breath adds its own vapour. The loft is well insulated and there is central heating. The windows are wooden framed with double-glazed units installed but they aren't really adequate as the windows stream with condensation each morning in the winter.
So, if I fix sliding vents into the bedroom ceilings (clearing a little insulation away above the vents) will that allow excess moisture to escape into the loft and improve things or will it allow cold air from the loft to condense around the vents and make things worse?

Re: Black mould on bungalow ceilings

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 11:18 am
by welsh brickie
knock a hole through the wall with a sliding vent on the inside.If you want to insulate the walls internally I found this product it looks good but havent used it myself.

Re: Black mould on bungalow ceilings

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 11:08 pm
by GalTumpson
For me, you need to be really wary of the speed at which you do this job. If its left too long, this could take quite a while and it could exasperate the issue. If you don't act with sufficient haste, moisture could get into your furnishings and mean you'd have to replace them (at great expense! I had to get rid of a memory foam mattress because of this). Its a big job and if you dont approach it right, you could damage the situation even more.