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Damp Patch In Garage With White Fluffy Deposits That Has Never Dried Out

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 12:35 am
by sfrazi
One of the walls in our garage has been boarded with insulation backed plasterboard and skimmed.

A dryer was then in use on this wall and as a result there is a damp patch behind the dryer.

We have removed the dryer from this wall and made sure its vented outside.

The problem is the damp patch has never dried out and has white fluffy deposits (salts I think).

What is the best way to get rid of the damp patch?

1. Apply a salt neutralizer?
2. Hack some of the skim off and re-skim?
3. Hack skim and plasterboard(revealing the insulation) and fill with appropriate filler?
4. Something else.

Any advise would be appreciated.


Re: Damp Patch In Garage With White Fluffy Deposits That Has Never Dried Out

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 6:10 pm
by welsh brickie
try coating it with a pva solution

Re: Damp Patch In Garage With White Fluffy Deposits That Has Never Dried Out

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 9:10 pm
by sfrazi
Thanks for the reply. Will that get rid of the white deposits that keep coming back?

Re: Damp Patch In Garage With White Fluffy Deposits That Has Never Dried Out

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 10:11 pm
by rap12
If this is a "damp patch" then PVA will not work because it is soluble ie. it will dissolve in, or on, moisture, creating a slightly more messy situation.
I'm not sure what a coating of PVA would be meant to do anyway?

Why not wipe off the "fluffy deposits" with a weak solution of detergent and water, or a drop of bleach and water.
Then leave it alone and check it out in say a month's time.

Re: Damp Patch In Garage With White Fluffy Deposits That Has Never Dried Out

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 11:07 pm
by rap12
PVA Solution will