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Leak From Flat Above Through Concrete Floor

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 5:16 pm
by sodaha

The flat above me had a leak which is now supposedly resolved but it has left a large damp patch on my bathroom ceiling. The floors in my block of flats are concrete and I understand it will therefore take months to dry especially as it is the winter.

It has now been two months and it is still wet and the plaster is flaking off. I have two questions I would love anyone’s advice on:

In the two months it has very slightly grown (mm) which I have taken as the water settling through but if there is no sign of drying yet do you think the leak is still leaking?

Is there anything I can do to help speed the drying process up? E.g. take off the plaster? It is a bathroom so while I could use a dehumidifier it is of course a room which is often steamy so not sure how effective it would be.
