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Curing condensation issues in buy-to-let flat

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2020 4:44 pm
by sandeep247
Hello all

My buy to let flat is suffering from codensation issues. I have carried out a damp survey and have been advised to install a Positive Ventilation Unit (PIV) such as a FlatMaster.

The BTL is owned by the Freeholder and I am of course, the Leaseholder. In order for me to install anything that requires broing a 10cm hole to the external wall, requires permission from the Freeholder at a cost of around £600. This is very expensive.

Does anyone on this forum have any other ideas of improving codensation and reducing humidity by different means. The tenant does leave the windows open, trickle vents are always open, however, during the colder months the condensation gets worse. Windows cannot be left open during the colder months either

A humdifier has been provided to the tenant but this is not adequate to resolve the issues.

Condensation and humdifity is much worse in one of the bedrooms. During the warmer months, the wall is dry.

Any advice is welcome. Please bear in mind that I cannot install anything to the extrnal walls, whilst, internally anything is possible.


Re: Curing condensation issues in buy-to-let flat

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2020 11:01 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi sandeep247
This is a very common problem with rented properties and de-humidifiers are the only solution in your situation.
Recommend you get one of the Ebac models with the smart control and plumb this is with a permanent drain.
Regards S

Re: Curing condensation issues in buy-to-let flat

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 9:02 am
by sandeep247

Many thanks for your reply "stoneboy".

Just had a few more questions:

1) Are you able to recommend any particular Ebac model?
2) For a 2 bedroom flat, would I need to purchase more than one humdifier?
3) Do I need to employ a plumber in order to plumb to a permanent drain?
4) Can you recommend anyone who can do the necessary plubming.

Apologies for so many questions



stoneyboy wrote:Hi sandeep247
This is a very common problem with rented properties and de-humidifiers are the only solution in your situation.
Recommend you get one of the Ebac models with the smart control and plumb this is with a permanent drain.
Regards S

Re: Curing condensation issues in buy-to-let flat

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 9:57 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi sandeep
Ebac model - search for one with smart control.
Keep your existing one as well as the new one running until things are under control.
The drain is a length of about 20mm plastic tube which needs to be fed into a drain or just outside the building. I think you have to buy the optional drain kit.
You should be able to run the drain pipe yourself but it must go downwards from the connection on the back of the de-humidifier.
Regards S