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Newly built brick planter against house wall
Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2020 11:22 pm
by insideandout
I’ve recently parted company with a cowboy builder. They built planter walls around each side of my garden. On one of the sides the planters connect to my house wall. They have only built 1 course of wall and were going to use the house wall for the other side and fill with soil. I’m really concerned about the damage this would cause with dampness of the soil getting through into the house and also any problems if i were to sell my house in future. How can i remedy the issue so I avoid any issues with the house?
Re: Newly built brick planter against house wall
Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2020 10:29 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi insideandout
I think as you have guessed using your house wall as a retaining wall for raised beds is not good practice. You could retain the wall facing the street but build a wall to line up with the inside dogleg. It would probably be wise to remove all the new brick/blockwork in front of the window.
Regards S
Re: Newly built brick planter against house wall
Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2020 9:02 am
by insideandout
Thanks, are there building regulations related to have brickwork outside the windows?
Re: Newly built brick planter against house wall
Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 10:21 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi insideandout
No I don't think so and provided you have not bridged the DPC it is unlikely that a surveyor would highlight the addition.
Regards S