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Mould.What exactly are "the health risks?"

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 6:25 pm
by lazens
Hallo despite extensive searching I have not been able to pin down the exact health risks of too much mould in say a flat.And what is too much mould?Refering to common black mould condensation caused type.Similiarly for "damp"areas on internal walls.I feel that sometimes product manufacturers over egg the cake on the health risks to scare people into spending a lot on their products?Can some-one explain exactly how a little black staining wipeable mould growth causes a "Health Risk"to a average normal healthy individual please if they can?Thanks

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 9:07 pm
by tucny
There are many reasons. Aspergillus (black spot mould) and similar thrive in humid conditions. Some research i have come accross suggests that spores can germinate in the lungs causing or agrivating respiritary problems. Google it and you will fing plenty of info.