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Bathroom Mould

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 2:40 am
by Bighoolio

I have a mould problem in my bathroom. I have installed an extractor fan which has only slightly reduced the problem. I have also painted the ceiling with antifungal paint, but the mould just keeps comming back.

I have had a builder inspect the mould and he recommends the following:
- Install a bigger doulble radiator
- Take down bathroom celing and install insulation, then reskim and decorate ceiling. There is currently no insulation fitted in the space between ceiling and flat roof.

I thought mould in bathrooms was caused by a lack of ventilation. I am not convinced that what the builder recommends will work.

Do you have any advise/suggestions.

Thanks for your help.


Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 12:02 pm
by dcmoore
Take a look at any one of our damp projects and ring the phone number for Property Repair Systems. They give free, no obligation advice and we recommend them. They will tell you what you need to do (if anything) and will also be able to supply you with anything you need to do it with but will certainly not try to sell you anything you don't need