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Border stripping

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 8:46 am
by julieb
We've had to strip a border which unfortunately took the paint off, leaving a strip of bare plaster all the way round the room. We want to paint the walls rather than paper them so I think we need to skim the border area. Can you recommend a product which needs little expertise? Thanks

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 2:04 pm
by rigga
A light weight filler something like (one stop) should do the trick, try and use a spatula as wide as the strip you are filling and go over it twice letting it dry in between. You will probably still see the area where the paint has been removed after as the walls top and bottom are going to be slightly textured by previous coats of paint, brush marks and roller marks. You may have to cross line the walls to make the repair totally invisible.