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gloss alternative
Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 7:42 pm
by vanman
Hello everyone. Have recently been stripping the stairs and landing and have replaced skirting board and arcatrive (wish i hadnt!) Now ive filled the plaster back in i have got some new wood, some old wood stripped bare and some with the top coat sanded off. How do i get the the chipped corners of the hallf sanded wood ready for paint? And is their a good alternative to gloss as i have got two young kids, and the stuff stinks? Thanks.[/b]
Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 9:55 pm
by stoneyboy
Use one of the 2-part fillers to reform the chipped corners.
Use water based paint - primer/undercoat will dry very quickly, topcoat remains sticky for a day or so but it doesn't smell any worse than emulsion.
Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 11:05 pm
by rosebery
Yes you can use eggshell and its a finish that some people prefer. Acrylic gloss doesn't pong as much as spirit based but the finish is not so good.
There is an old wives tale that a couple of fresh onions (skinned and quartered) absorbs the smell of spirit/oil based gloss paint. A year or so ago I had occasion to give it a go as I was decorating a pensioners place who suffered from chest problems. I have to say IT WORKS. There is virtually no smell from the onions and they do absorb the paint smell very very effectively. Depending on the volume of the room being decorated place your quarted onions on a number of side plates and leave them around the space.
No it's not April 1 yet!! It genuinely does work.
gloss alternative
Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 8:10 pm
by SallyTB
I've just painted my stair bannister so going to give the onions a shot! Thanks for the tip.