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Peeling patient

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 3:22 pm
by seamaj
I have painted over my walls with mat emulsion paint then, papered over it. When I removed the wall paper, all of the emulsion paint came off with it, is there anything I can do to fix this problem

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 2:13 pm
by ocean
why did you paint it and then paper it - and so what if it came off - dont see what the problem is. But basically no, you will have to repaint it. But if you do i wouldnt bother if i was going to paper it. But remember to seal the plaster if yr painting - watered down emulsion or pvc glue watered down will do - you can get pvc glue at your builders merchants for this purpose or specific plaster sealers if you prefer, these will probably deal with stains coming through if thats an issue or you could just paint any stains over with oil based paint if you prefer. if your papering size the walls first with watered down wall paper paste. All these things will improobe adhesion.

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:49 pm
by rosebery
"or pvc glue watered down will do - you can get pvc glue....."

Arrrrgh! The perennial nightmare for the decorator that follows. Please don't do it. Use a mist coat of watered emulsion - percentags vary acording to the emulsion you use. The point is NOT to "seal" it but to prevent the plaster sucking all the moisture out of a thicker coat which follows resulting in a much better finish.

BTW did you mean PVA?


Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 11:57 am
by ocean
yes sorry p.v.a. - really its a problem ?- ive always done as you say mist of watered down emulsion. However when i had the ''Artex'' (yup the dreaded artex) plastered over, the plasterers left me some watered down pva glue and told me to use it before i painted. I assumed that this was to do as you say stop the moisture being sucked out of the paint but maybe to seal in loose dust on the plaster. Why does it cause a problem for decorating after it. I painted it with no problems - im intrigued?

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 12:22 am
by rosebery
Plasterers /artexers use PVA as a bonding coat and thats fine. They plaster or artex BEFORE its dry and it bonds because its glue. Once its dry then it feels nice and smooth but the moment you wet it again it goes "live" - nasty sticky mess ensues.

This is especially the case when the next guy decides to paper the wall over the paint. OK until it gets striped for a future wallpapering. The steam stripper gets straight through to the PVA and the resultant mess is a disaster for time managemet on a fixed price quote. Its just not suitable.

If the plasterer finished the surface properly there should be no dust.
